Maybe it’s just us, but we’ll pass on the offer to smell somebody’s passed gas — even for money.
According to The Week, a recent study at the University of Exeter in England suggests that “smelling farts could prevent disease and even cancer.”

The human body produces hydrogen sulfide when bacteria breaks down food, which in turns gives humans gas. But while taking in that gas in large doses would be harmful, the study suggests that “a whiff here and there has the power to reduce risks of cancer, strokes, heart attacks, arthritis, and dementia by preserving mitochondria.”
The study said mitochondria act as generators for cells’ energy output, and protecting against mitochondrial damage is central to preventing certain diseases.
For now, the study is limited to exposing cells in a laboratory, but researchers said they are “working toward advancing the research to a stage where it can be tested in humans.”
I for one am a little skeptical of sniffing another human being’s farts – even my wife’s – in order to cure my diabetes. I think I’d rather go out with a little more dignity than that. After all, I’ve been watching dogs sniff each other’s asses for years, and they don’t seem to last too long.
I’d also like to present this as Exhibit B, Your Honor: Dude Farts in Grappler’s Face and Makes Him Puke