Strangely, the fisherman was way over the age of 18.
According to The Sydney Morning Herald, an albino crocodile named Michael Jackson was shot and killed on Monday after it ate a 57-year-old fisherman.

Authorities in Darwin said the fisherman was trying to free a snagged line on the Adelaide River when the gigantic crocodile popped out of the water and attacked him. The man’s wife witnessed the attack and had to be treated by paramedics for shock.
Officials said Michael Jackson was the main attraction for the popular “Jumping Croc” cruises, where “boats travel the river dangling meat attached from hooks for crocodiles to jump and snatch.”
Even though it’s the fourth fatal crocodile attack in the region in the last 12 months, a local crocodile researcher said there is no evidence that the “Jumping Croc” cruises have made the crocs more aggressive.
“It was always a thrill when he (Michael Jackson) appeared,” Dr. Adam Britton said.
We’re pretty sure the dead fisherman’s wife would respectfully disagree.
Now, witnessing this would be a thrill: Snake Devours Crocodile After 5 Hour Battle