Then again, Mel Gibson has like 50 kids and he was once named People Magazine’s “Sexiest Man Alive.”
According to the Journal of Evolutionary Biology, men with higher facial attractiveness have slightly lower semen quality than those who look like they were hit in the face with a shovel.

The new finding coincides with a previous study that suggested men with higher levels of testosterone were also more likely to have poorer sperm.
Researchers from Spain, Australia and Colombia recently studied semen samples from 50 white students at the University of Valencia. They then had heterosexual men and women in their twenties look at pictures of their faces. Women were asked to rate men “as if they were looking for a long-term mate” while the men were asked to determine how they thought women would rate them.
Researchers also measured the size of the test subjects’ eyes and width of their cheekbones and nostrils as well as “other markers that previous research identified as masculine features.”
The end result was that guys who look more like Brad Pitt have worse semen than guys who look like Steve Buscemi.
Apparently, they could have also tested this cup of coffee: Minnesota Man Admits to Putting His Semen in Coworker’s Coffee