Yoga pants could be the greatest invention since Internet porn, but anybody who has been to Minnesota recently will tell you they can also be the worst.

According to Uproxx, a North Dakota High School has not only banned yoga pants in its classrooms, but also skinny jeans and leggings, and it’s all because of “horny boys.”
Devils Lake High School banned the clothing after determining they could “cause boys to focus on something other than schoolwork.” To prove just how damning yoga pants and leggings can be, school officials even went as far as showing clips of Julia Roberts in “Pretty Woman” wearing pretty much the same thing. Of course, Roberts played a prostitute in the film.
Many female students are pissed at the ban, with one coming to the conclusion that the only thing left for them to wear is sweatpants, and that’s just gross.
Between showing students a movie featuring Julia Roberts as a hooker and teachers having a threesome with their student, it’s been one hell of a day for America’s high schools: Two Female Louisiana English Teachers Arrested for Having Threesome With Student