- Under no circumstances was I to surprise her at home, work or anywhere, regardless of the reason. No surprise dinners, no “boo!” scares for fun, nothing.
- When out in public, no public displays of affection. No hand-holding, no kissing, no arm around her, no hugging. We had to walk beside each other like we were brother and sister.
- We worked in the mall, at different stores, and during times when our shifts matched up, we had 15 minutes or prearranged time together. No less, no more, and it was to be at whatever time she visited. Under no circumstances was I to visit her at work earlier, later, or otherwise not prearranged.
- During sexytimes, it was missionary, her on bottom, me on top. No thrusting, just “put it in and lay there”. No fingers anywhere on her body, no foreplay on her at all.
- Also during sexytimes-and this “rule” is the one that surprises people the most because of how ridiculous it is-when SHE thought it was time for me to, er, finish, SHE would roll over on her side and say “go finish up in the bathroom.” She was outright disgusted by it, and under no circumstances was my “love” to get on her or around her.
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