Man Arrested For Drug Possession Wears Worst Possible Shirt For Someone Arrested For Drug Possession

Look, we understand: If you dabble in drugs like meth on a regular basis, fashion isn’t exactly your first priority. Nevertheless, a good rule of thumb is to do whatever it takes to not draw any attention to yourself if you happen to have any in your possession. That’s exactly where this fella went wrong.

His name is John Balmer and he was arrested in that “No, seriously, I have drugs.” shirt in Florida for possession of marijuana and meth while he was in line at Kmart. Why does everything about that sentence make perfect sense? I’m not sure if he was going for some sort of reverse psychology thing, but clearly it didn’t work.

Apparently Balmer noticed two cops walk into the store and tried to ditch his stash of weed and meth in a panic. When the customer he tried to hand it to declined the baggie, it was all over and another classic mug shot T-shirt was born.

Anyway, this has just been a reminder that there are incredibly stupid people walking among us. Carry on with your day.

See more of the worst possible T-shirts to be wearing for mug shots here.

via The Concourse

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