Mysterious Ghost Child Photobombs Family’s River Picture

Australia seems like an absolutely lovely country, and I for one wouldn’t mind vacationing there. But if I ever do go, I’m staying the hell away from the Lockyer River in Queensland.

Last week, a woman named Kim Davison posted this photo below to a ghost hunter’s Facebook page. The photo is reportedly of her, her friend Jessie Lu and three children swimming in a spot called Murphy’s Hole. That would be five people total. However, when the photo was processed, they noticed a sixth person hanging out in the water behind them.

Kim is the lady in the sunglasses holding her daughter. As you can see, to the left of her head is a ghostly-looking figure that is possibly sporting horns. This has led to further speculation that Davison and her group were swimming with a demon.

To make matters even scarier, Davison claims that her daughter felt something grab her leg twice while in the water, and Kim herself said it felt like something was behind her when she exited the river for the day.

As if this all wasn’t spooky enough, researchers found out that this “demon” could in fact be the ghost of a young child. That’s because in 1915, a 13-year-old girl named Doreen O’Sullivan drowned in the exact same spot. Here is newspaper clipping from the The Brisbane Courier about the tragedy:

Predictably, the Facebook commenters range from strong believers in this being a spirit, ghost or demon in the river to complete skeptics of the whole thing. Some claim they see multiple spiritual entities in the water (like a face by the feet of the girl on the right), while others think people are just seeing what they want to see or making stuff up.

Either way, I’ll be staying away from Murphy’s Hole forever.

h/t The Daily What

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