It’s incredible how much easier it is to soak up information from a fun, colorful graphic than just a page of written out data. Things you never even cared about become completely engulfing just by making it aesthetically pleasing. To prove that, here are a dozen infographics on subjects that you’d probably never consider learning more about, but you’ll absolutely love because of how pretty they are.

Now the only thing you need to open a beer is another beer!

Want to know when you should make any major purchase?

Never run out of room in your suitcase again with this handy guide.

Make your dinner party legit even if the friends you invite over have no idea the difference between a water goblet and a wine glass.

Pretty much every knot you’d ever need to tie is here for you to learn.

Pretty much every knot you’d ever need to tie is here for you to learn.

Throw that clip-on nonsense in the trash because you’re classy now.

All apples are not created equal and now you’ll never choose the wrong one again.

Impress your father-in-law by identifying a cigar type just by looking at it instead of googling the name when he’s not paying attention.

This may be the most important thing you’ll read all day.

How much caffeine are you actually dumping into your body, you monster?

And why not learn all about string theory while you’re at it?
Via Imgur