There’s an old Season 5 “The Simpsons” episode that ends with Homer and Bart entering a Krusty Burger atop an abandoned oil rig, but you may have never realized just how much truth was behind the gag. The “McBarge” as it was known, was the first and last floating McDonald’s restaurant to sail the waters of Vancouver Expo ’86. Well, it didn’t actually sail, I guess, but it floated there. Then for a long time, nothing happened with it, so they shipped it off to Burrard Inlet in British Columbia. It’s been sitting there abandoned ever since, creeping everyone the f–k out.
Of course, if we just remember the good ol’ expo days, the vacant old restaurant is a bit more appealing. Check out some shots from its heyday below.
Did we mention the McBarge also has a Facebook page dedicated to it? Sure, most of the photos there are back to the creepy variety, but it’s the thought that counts. Here are a few more less-than-appetizing shots of what we can only call the floating hellhole in its current state.
We wouldn’t want to leave you on such a down note, though, so we should mention that the current owner of the barge is still attempting to revive it as a restaurant. That’s something, right? If that doesn’t do it for you, then perhaps you should just watch this video of some dudes sneaking onto the barge to eat a McDonald’s cheeseburger and move on.
(via The LAD Bible)
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