Carry On | Booq Brand Bags

Let’s put things in perspective, being an adult isn’t all bad. You work but it’s for a paycheck you get to spend as you please (even if half goes to bills.) You have to dress up, but it garners you some credit in the office. And, very importantly, when you go on a business trip, you can rent whatever car you want – whether it be a Chevy Impala (they just assigned you) or the monster upgrade to the Jeep Wrangler with convertible roof.

In celebration of adulthood, let’s look at some backpacks and carry-ons that adequately demonstrate you live in the grown up world. They aren’t brightly colored and they don’t sport many patterns. Instead they are the bags that will match whatever you’re wearing, whether the grey suit or the black, the plaid tie or the kelly green. And you will look like the boss when strolling into the office at 9:05 in the morning.

Booq Brand Bags offer well-designed carrying solutions for those who play in the real world. Founded in 2002 by Thorsten Trotzenberg, a German native turned California local by way of Pasadena’s Art Center College of Design, the company is now based in the foothills above Los Angeles. The aesthetic is clean, with simple lines and understated styling. But beneath the zipper, these totes are work-minded with ample storage for not only your laptop to have a secure ride, but also your books, water bottle and even your camera.

All images courtesy of Booq Brand Bags. 
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