9 Ingenious Things You’re Not Doing But Better Start Soon

Photo: NBC

Do you ever get the feeling like your life looks pretty useless and boring? Well, you should because that’s probably the case. Luckily for you, there are ingenious things you can do to change that, or at least make it look a little better from a distance. And if these are ingenious things you’re not doing already, then you better start pretty damn soon.

How do you eat your desserts? Are there drawers in your house that don’t open? Do you shower indoors? Well don’t be such a sucker and change a few things, and maybe (just maybe), it’ll add a little meaning, a little color, back into your life.

There have been plenty of things we hated as children that we now live for as adults, and in the spirit of that, let us revive our boring, monotonous lives with a bit of zeal, a bit of flavor, and for the love of all that is holy in our land, start cutting your fucking candy bars with a knife like a respectable human being. We are growing up, so let’s start acting like it, right?

9 Ingenious Things You’re Not Doing But Better Start Soon

Keep on learning: 10 Common Misconceptions About Life You’re Sadly Mistaken On

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