10 Annoying And Outdated Things You Need To Stop Saying Immediately

Photo: NBC

We don’t pretend to know everything, but we do know a lot of annoying, outdated things you should stop saying immediately. If you think these words and phrases are either hip, trending or timeless, we couldn’t disagree more. As far as we’re concerned, anything “on fleek” needs to be immediately put out with baking soda.

Whether something is “literally” the best or broke “AF,” we promise that you are not only a party to the destruction of the written word but also just awful to be around. We pulled out 10 annoying and outdated phrases, but we could go on for days about the vomit spewing from your mouths. We’re not saying this to punish or embarrass you but rather in order to help get you back to being the humans you once were, back when Hammer pants were cool and phrases like “heated” weren’t getting redefined by millennials.

If you happen to be using any of these phrases, trust us that you’re not helping yourself at all.

10 Annoying And Outdated Things You Need To Stop Saying Immediately

This is what we look like when you use the phrases listed above.

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