Brewery Honors Dibs Tradition

Chicago Brewery Honors Winter Parking ‘Dibs’ Tradition With New Brew

Photo: Denis Tangney Jr (Getty Images)

In Chicago, and many other northern cities, there’s a winter tradition known simply as “dibs.” If you don’t know what dibs is, then you’re lucky enough to live somewhere with off-street parking or you live in the area of the country with snow-free winters. After Northerners shovel out a parking spot, they call “dibs” on the spot by placing a chair, parking cone, or little league trophy in the spot while they go get their car. Some people are pro-dibs and others are anti-dibs.

Goose Island knows all about this tradition and that’s why they created two special beers in an effort to finally determine which group is right.

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Winter began a little over a month ago and it’s already been one of the most brutal seasons most of the country has seen in years. Every time you turn on the news, you see reports on record low temperatures, snowstorms, and winds so strong flights are being canceled all over the country.

If you thought it was going to get any better, then you definitely haven’t watched the news this week. That’s because, for much of the country, it’s about to get a lot worse with negative wind chills from Green Bay to Greenville. Chicago, home of Goose Island, is expected to get wind chills as low as 60 degrees below zero. It’s enough to make someone want to call dibs on a parking space so they don’t have walk five blocks to their apartment.

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Goose Island itself isn’t saying whether they are pro or anti-dibs. That’s because employees of the company themselves are divided on the topic. This week, if you stop into the Goose Island Taproom you’ll see two distinct cans of 6.5% porter (a great beer for wintry debates). One is anti-dibs and the other is pro-dibs. By purchasing one or the other, you are voting in the dibs debate so Chicagoans (and the rest of the country) will finally know what people think about this divisive tradition.

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