Photo: Hero Images (Getty Images)
Are they in or out? Beards and the men who sport them seem to be constantly under fire for inane reasons. A study even found that 43 percent of women polled refuse to date a man with facial hair. Yikes. Haters not included, facial hair is an easy way to simplify your grooming routine by eliminating shaving.
Regardless if beards are in our out, here are some practical tips for making sure yours is a cut above the rest.
Face it: Everything You Need To Know To Celebrate World Beard Day
Manly must-haves: Grooming Supplies All Men Need
What’s the best piece of advice you’ve gotten for growing a standout beard? Let us know in the comments!
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Starting with Stubble
Great beards aren't born, they're made, and they take a minute to grow in. If you want a truly impressive beard, don't be temped to cut or shape it for about six weeks. Just accept that your face will be an itchy battleground, which is the price one must pay for facial hair greatness.
Photo: Westend61 (Getty Images)
Oil Up
Beard oil performs two major functions. One, it keeps your face from drying out (aka prevents itchiness). Two, it conditions your facial hair so it grows in thick and manly, while also providing a good sense of shine. Invest in a good beard oil like Mr. Natty's Famous Beard Elixir.
Photo: Daniel Day (Getty Images)
Find a Stellar Barber
Do the homework. Start by locating a good barber near you and ask them for help. A good barber is like a hair sherpa; they know how to help your hair, but more importantly, they know how to help your skin.
If you're having any issues, use them as a resource. Other than that, you should see them regularly to make sure your face and beard are kept in tip top shape.
Photo: NoSystem Images (Getty Images)
Give Your 'Stache Some Love, Too
The mustache is the focal point of the beard. If you neglect it, it can throw off everything. As your facial hair grows, make sure you keep your upper lip area neatly trimmed. Ask your barber for any tips for doing this in-between tips. And most importantly, start using a good mustache wax like Woodsman Mustache Wax by The Bearded Bastard.
Photo: Bekisha (Getty Images)