Photo: Antoine Rouleau (Getty Images)
The best defense is a good offense and when your special lady kicks off her monthly “shark week” you probably want to avoid getting eaten. PMS, the great equalizer of our time, has a way of sneaking up on you and ruining any plans you have. Instead of fighting the most natural occurrence on earth, here are some tips on how to take the edge off that time of the month for both of you.
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Is there anything you do to smooth things over with your girlfriend during that time of the month? Help out by sharing your best tactical moves for dealing with PMS.
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Knowing Is Half The Battle
Start by downloading a period app like Flo. Look. We get it. It's obviously not your job to track her period. However, you're not tracking her period as much as you're learning to navigate the danger zone. You don't even need it to be perfectly accurate. Your goal is to be able to estimate when the emotions, eating, irrationality, and bloating begin. If you're equipped with this information, you can show her that you're there for her without her ever asking.
Photo: Tarik Kizilkaya (Getty Images)
Don't Ask If She's PMSing
What are you, new? Asking her if she's upset because she's PMSing is like taunting a tiger. In fact, if you were tracking her period, you wouldn't even need to do this. You'd check your app and know she's extra sensitive and just move on with your night. And knowing is half the battle.
Photo: PeopleImages (Getty Images)
Pick Up The Slack
Regardless if you live together or not, try to be extra helpful during this time. You don't have to re-tile her bathroom, but washing the dishes or taking our the trash without being asked will wow her (or at least diminish her impulse to kill when you inevitably screw up). There's a lot to be said for a man who tries, especially during a time when your partner is trying to figure out not only what she feels, but why she's feeling it so much. Plus, being thoughtful will make her much less likely to snap into a complete turbo bitch later.
Photo: Maskot (Getty Images)
Let Her Feed
During PMS, women have an insane influx of feelings while starving. They feel like they haven't ever eaten and all they want is horrifying garbage like ice cream and pizza. For those of you who want to impress your lady, pick up her favorite junk food item and surprise her with it. It doesn't need to be a whole pizza, but if it is don't point out she's eating like Michael Phelps. Just let her enjoy whatever she prefers to indulge in and you'll be the MVP of PMS in no time.
Photo: Flashpop (Getty Images)
Her Body Wins
Sure, you can argue with Mother Nature, but as we have come to realize, Mother Nature always wins. In this way, your girlfriend's body is similar. If she wants to be mad, sad, frenetic, hangry, let her. It doesn't need to make sense to you. In fact, it probably doesn't make sense to her. But instead of letting her drag you both to hell, ask yourself if it's more important to be right or happy. Because happy men get laid and the rest get yelled at by their PMSing girlfriend at TGI Fridays.
Photo: Leticia Lefur (Getty Images)