Photo: Scott MacBride (Getty Images)
So you’re going to do a little day drinking on St. Patty’s Day. It is Sunday after all, so you might as well take your Sunday Funday to the next level. It’s not like you’re dead (yet), although you might feel like you are if you get super duper wasted. Instead of showing up to work on Monday like you’re going to your own intervention, here are some hot tips to keep you from seeming like a hot mess at work.
Hangover 101: The Devastating Hangovers Every Man Has
Whiskey wishes: The Best Whiskey Drinks To Imbibe In On St. Patty’s Day
What’s your current survival plan to make it through St. Patrick’s Day without being deadly hungover at work on Monday? Let us know in the comments!
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St. Pattys Hangover Relief
Get Beefy
Corned beefy to be exact. If you're going to be drinking all day, make sure you eat like a degenerate Irishman. Go hard on the corned beef and cabbage, with a real emphasis on the potatoes. Coat that stomach with real human food so you're full enough and forced to pace your drinking. Barfing up corned beef in front of your bros is disgusting and should also be deterrent enough. Who wants to be that guy?
Photo: Bhofack2 (Getty Images)
Just Say No
It's a novel idea, we know, but reject drinks. Taking a pause between pounding green beers might save your life later. Plus, why are you saving up all your drinking for St. Patrick's Day? It's smarter to start drinking on Friday night, pace yourself steadily, and then be in bed by 8 p.m. on Sunday than to marathon-drink the day before work. Seriously. Do the math.
Photo: Peter Cade (Getty Images)
Barf It Up
This seems drastic, but if you're going to start drinking at 8 a.m. Sunday and expect Monday to go well, you're going to have to hit the ol' reset button on your body. You should probably just drink a glass of water between whiskey shots and green beers, but if that's too girly for you, go barf up that green grossness before you do it at work.
Photo: Ajr_images (Getty Images)
The Power Of Prayer
After pounding too many green beers all day, you're probably starting to get worried about your consumption, but you're also in too deep. You don't know what to do and know Monday morning will be a very specific sort of nightmare for you. If you've crossed the point of no return, and all else fails, focus on your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully, this will induce a life changing miracle that ends your hangover.
Photo: South_agency (Getty Images)
Don't Mix Drinks
Green beer is gross but if you have to drink it because it's St. Patrick's Day, don't mix it with anything else. Seriously. If you're going to drink all day long, consider how much you can drink, how much you should drink, and then stick with one thing and pace your ass. More than anything else, this will be what saves you. And that friend who calls you a pussy for not doing shots, they're not your friend. Remember that when you have to carry them home like you're in Call Of Duty.
Photo: Totororo (Getty Images)
Prepare Your Body
If you're going all-in on St. Patty's Day mayhem, make sure everything's where you need it to be for when you finally get home. This means lay out aspirin, bottled water, and Alka Seltzer on your night stand. Stock up on Pedialyte and coconut water in the fridge to ease your body out of its dehydrated state. Most importantly, if you're a barfer, leave a trashcan next to your bed. Having a routine your drunk brain can stick with will make your morning-after less confusing and less horrifying.
Photo: KatarzynaBialasiewicz (Getty Images)
Man passed out at party laying on floor clutching bottle with stuff drawn on his face.