Photo: Blaine Harrington III (Getty Images)
Before you were a man of the world, you were but a young buck with a thirst for knowledge and experience. In order to learn about the things you desired to try, you collected information from your friends (or, worse, films). When it came to cannabis, the only experience you had before smoking was probably from movies like Half Baked or Dazed & Confused. Now that you’re old enough to toke legally, how much do you really know about the beautiful marijuana plant? Instead of playing like you’re an expert, actually sound like one with these fun facts.
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Did you learn anything new or are you an encyclopedia of Marijuana? What fast facts blew you away? Let us know in the comments!
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Marijuana Facts
Weed Cornered The Online Market Early
In fact, the sale of marijuana was the first ever e-commerce transaction. It was obviously between Stanford and MIT students because they were the only people who used ARPANET, the precursor to the internet, in the '70s.
Source: What The Dormouse Said
Marijuana Is The People's Painkiller Of Choice
After trying medical marijuana, nearly half of users choose to end their use of prescription drugs.
Source: Umich
Legalizing Marijuana Is Big Business
In 2018, after marijuana had been legalized in California, industry researchers found that legal marijuana sales totaled $2.9 billion.
S0urce: BDS Analytics
Women Feel It More
A 2014 study conducted by Washington State University psychologist Rebecca Craft found that women experienced stronger effects in terms of cannabis' painkilling qualities. This is due to their higher levels of estrogen, which peak at ovulation. This finally proves it's better for girls.
Source: Eureka Alert
You Can Overdose On Marijuana
But you'd have to smoke 1,500 pounds within 15 minutes for this to happen. So toke up worry-free. Oh, and pro tip, if you do find yourself a little too high, either go to sleep or have a little CBD. It will tone down the psychoactive effects of the TCH. You're welcome.
Source: Dangerous Minds
Related: 17 People Who Were Too High To Function But Not Too High To Tweet
Marijuana Might Make You Batman
Dr. James C. Munch, the "official expert” on marijuana for the U.S. government from 1938 to 1962, swore under oath that smoking dank-ass ganja turned him into a bat.
Source: Drug Library
The Black Market Rules
In terms of legal marijuana sales, California comes in first and Colorado in second, but the highest marijuana revenue is in states where recreational cannabis is still illegal. The weed you buy from the not-so-legal dispensary attributes to 90 percent of the drug's revenue. Because illegal drugs are the best drugs, or whatever.
Source: United Nations
Cops Love Marijuana's not what you think. According to data from The ACLU, of the 8.2 million marijuana arrests between 2001 and 2010, 88% were for being in the possession of weed. After reviewing this data, one trend emerged, Black people are 3.73 times more likely than whites to be arrested for simply having the drug.
Source: ACLU
Smoking The Weed Doesn't Get You Fat
Another 2014 study found that mice given long-term doses of marijuana actually lost weight. This is probably because they were in a lab and had no way to walk to their local bodega for Coke, Oreos, and Funyons.
Source: NCBI