Whether or not the traditional bachelor party is antiquated is currently up for debate. But what isn’t in question is the fact that you and your best bros must go out together and celebrate one last weekend of freedom before you tie the knot. Just make sure you “bachelor party” the right way or you’ll be asking for an annulment quicker than you can say Mr. Britney Spears. Don’t become another statistic. Here’s what you can do in order to pull off the last best party of your pre-marriage life.
Photo: Petar Chernaev (Getty Images)
An epic night: Top 3 Bachelor Party Destinations
Getting married: When You Should Tie The Knot
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Bachelor Party Dos and Donts FINAL
Do: Go out to a bar and do karaoke with a bachelorette.
No strip clubs. Even if she says "yes" to the idea. Trust us. Just. Say. No. The second you forget to make the bed, refuse to wash the dishes, or stay out late with your bro after work seven years from now, she will accuse you of being with "the stripper." Wives keep those memories filed away forever. Spare yourself the trouble. It's much safer to hang with an innocuous, fun, bachelorette party who can sing "Sweet Home Alabama" with you.
Don't: Get a stripper.
No matter what. Just say no, kids. Read above.
Do: Have an all-guys trip.
No females allowed. Even if they're "like the guys," it will change the entire dynamic of the trip. And you don't want anything suspicious happening.
Don't: Have a one-night bash.
Take an entire weekend to go somewhere you've never been before. Even if it's just a float trip, take a couple of days to really enjoy yourselves. It will go by way too fast.
Do: Keep it small.
The more people you invite, the more possibility of drama. Your goal is to make sure fewer than two people end up in jail (there's always that one guy who gets cuffed for public urination). It's hard to keep everyone in "the pack" if you invite every bro you've known since kindergarten.
Don't: Don't invite your entire squad.
Only invite the people who truly care about you. It will be easier to have fun if there's just a small group.
Do: Put someone reliable in charge of planning.
Don't plan a single thing. Just make sure whoever is in charge (usually the best man) is trustworthy and knows you well enough that they can plan an entire weekend of activities they know you will enjoy.
Don't: Make the groom plan a single thing.
How can the groom get blitzed if you're worried about an itinerary the entire time? Also, the groom should pay for nothing. Them's the rules.
Do: Have a great time.
Sounds simple enough. But remember, it's hard to have a great time if you're locked up for public intoxication. Even the bachelor party is about finding the right balance.
Don't: Get wasted to the point of no return.
You don't want to do anything that will get the wedding canceled. Yes, even if you don't remember it happening, it still counts. The odds of something like this happening dramatically decrease by 67 percent if you avoid Vegas at all costs. It's science.