When it comes to applying to colleges, the most important aspect should be your education. Do they have your major? Is the university well respected? Is it far enough away from home to prevent your parents from visiting every weekend and ruining your good time? But, since you’ll reach the age of 21 while at school, you don’t want to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with no good beer to drink. So before you commit to a college and fill out your financial aid paperwork, make sure there’s a great craft brewery or two within a reasonable distance to balance out all those Natty Lights and Beast Ices you’ll be downing. Check out these breweries close to college campuses and get some delicious, well-made craft beer in addition to a diploma.
Photo: LeoPatrizi (Getty Images)
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Beer University
Columbus Brewing Company (The Ohio State University)
You’d be hard pressed to find a more electrifying stadium in the Big Ten than “The Horseshoe” at Ohio State University. Even before the game, it’s a great place to tailgate while you sip on beers from Columbus Brewing Company like Columbus IPA and Grasshoppa Session IPA.
Photo: Columbus Brewing
Creature Comforts Brewing (University of Georgia)
Athens, Georgia, is the home of the University of Georgia. It’s a football-crazy city that also happens to have one of the best breweries in the country: Creature Comforts. Two of the brewery's best beers are its Classic City Lager and Tropicalia American IPA.
Photo: Creature Comforts
Eppig Brewing (San Diego State)
The San Diego area is bursting with craft brew offerings. One of the best breweries close to the San Diego State campus is Eppig Brewing. Known for their lagers and ales, make sure to grab a Zwickelbier Unfiltered Lager.
Photo: Eppig
Jester King Brewery (University of Texas)
Austin, Texas, is home to the University of Texas, everything longhorn, and professor Matthew McConaughey (yes, really). It’s also home to Jester King Brewery and its always-changing list of award-winning beers.
Photo: Jester King
Ninkasi Brewing Company (University of Oregon)
If you like sports and flashy, neon jerseys, then the University of Oregon is for you. (We hear they have great academics too.) If you like beer, the college is an even better choice as it’s close to Ninkasi, one of the largest craft breweries in the country and makers of Hazy Domination Hazy IPA and Pacific Rain Northwest Pale.
Photo: Ninkasi
Tired Hands Brewing Company (Villanova University)
Villanova is a great university, both academically and for fans of top-level basketball. The campus is also fairly close to one of the best breweries in the country: Tired Hands. Stop by the Fermenteria for an ever-changing list of mouth-watering brews.
Photo: Tired Hands
Trillium Brewing (Boston University)
Boston is a beer and college-filled city. If you end up getting accepted to Boston University, you’ll be happy to know that you’re a short ride on the T from sipping on some beer at Trillium like its Congress Street IPA and Heavy Mettle Double IPA.
Photo: Trillium
Upslope Brewing Company (University of Colorado)
If you're accepted into the University of Colorado in Boulder, you’ll be lucky to be surrounded by some of the best craft brewers in the country, like Upslope, whose hit brews include Spruce Tip IPA and Rocky Mountain Kolsch.
Photo: Upslope