
RANKED! 10 Worst Airports to Get Stuck in During the Holidays

Jack Frost has once again shut down airports across the country. Stranded travelers must either shell out for rooms or camp out in airport terminals. If overnighting with a neck pillow for a bed seems more common now than in the past, that’s because it is. Winter storms in the northern hemisphere are more frequent today than they were 70 years ago, according to the Third National Climate Assessment.

Some airports are better prepared for this extreme weather than others. Airlines are too busy measuring how many nanometers they can shave off your legroom to do anything. Travelers must fend for themselves. Unfortunately, due to heightened security and the isolated location of most airports, leaving is not an option. Many airports close their chain stores and overpriced bars early. This means jetlagged insomniacs must survive off peanuts and vending machines. While the season of polar vortices is only beginning, here’s a list of the worst airports to get trapped in during the holidays.

Photo: izusek (Getty Images)

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