
Dr. Fauci Gets His Own Tribute Beer, Likely Packed With Truth and Good Suggestion

Besides doctors, nurses, and everyone putting their health on the line working at essential businesses, a handful of heroes have stepped forward in the midst of the COVID-19 crisis. One that immediately comes to mind is New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo. He’s gained quite a following and a call for him to run for president because of his no-nonsense, common sense press conferences. Another is Dr. Anthony Fauci, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and the White House health advisor. He’s been butting heads with President Trump for weeks and has become the face of honest logic during this outbreak. This has spawned his own doughnut, bobblehead, and now a beer.

Atlanta-based brewery Wild Heaven just launched a line of “pandemic beers” and obviously had to make one for the good doctor. Called “Fauci Spring,” the beer is a pale ale made with acai berries. It should come as no surprise that the brewery decided to use acai berries in a Dr. Fauci-themed beer as the berries are a superfood containing a well-known antioxidant that strengthens the immune system.

Although Dr. Fauci deserves to be the lone beer, the brewery also created a handful of others including a German-style lager called “Don’t Stand So Close To Me” and a rye-based IPA called “We Will Meet Again.”

The enthusiasm for these “pandemic beers” has been gigantic with the initial run selling out very quickly. We assume the brewery will make more and if we’re lucky enough to try it, the below GIFs will show our boozy enthusiasm.

Photo: Wild Heaven Beer

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