Our everyday lives in 2020 are already full of stress. There’s turmoil in our streets, division between political ideologies like we’ve never seen before, and an ongoing pandemic that’s forcing many of us to work from home and isolate ourselves from loved ones. Add in the impending presidential election and you have the makings of a tinder fire filled with anxiety and fear. It’s enough to drive us to drink. Not to excess, but enough to make it through election night without throwing a shoe through our TV.
Since we don’t want you simply sitting on your couch, staring gape-jawed at the TV while you await the election results state by state, we figured we should at least make the event fun. And we know that all fun things are only made better by the addition of booze. That’s why we came up with “The Democratic Drinking Game For an Anxious Election Night.” Because you won’t be able to relax until the results are in and the orange-hued combover is on his way out (hopefully).
The rules are as follows:
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Election Night Drinking Game
If Biden Wins a State, Refill Your Cup
This is pretty simple. If Joe Biden wins a state, refill your cup regardless of how much you’ve drunk. Beer, wine, or a cocktail. Whatever you like.
If Biden Turns a Red State Blue, Take a Shot
If Biden wins a state previously thought to belong to the Republicans, take a shot of your favorite whiskey, rum, tequila, or whatever you like. Because we all know that mixing alcohol always ends in a good time.
When a Commentator Mentions the Importance of the ‘Swing States,’ Take a Shot
Regardless of the channel you’re watching, the commentator will mention the infamous “swing states” and how important they are to the election. If they do, take a shot.
If Trump Wins a State, Drink Some Water
Trump is going to win states. He’ll probably win a lot of states. When he does, take some sips of water. You’re going to need it after this evening.
If Trump Turns a Blue State Red, Make a Cocktail
If Donald Trump turns an assumed Democratic state red, make yourself a cocktail. Old fashioned, paloma, whiskey sour, whatever you like. You’re going to need it. It’s going to be a long night.
If They Show Democratic Headquarters, Take a Shot
Whenever they show all of the happenings at the Democratic headquarters, take a shot of your go-to booze. Just be careful, they’ll probably cut to it a lot.
If Biden Wins and Trump Refuses to Give a Concession Speech, Chug Your Beer
If Joe Biden wins the election, there’s a pretty good chance Donald Trump won’t want to give a concession speech. If he refuses, grab the closest can of beer and chug it.
If Trump Wins, Drink All the Rest of the Beer in Your House
If Trump wins, and he very well might, drink the rest of the beer in your house. You’re going to need to drown your sorrow because it’s going to be a rough four years.