
Lockdown Loophole: Tequila Bar Applies to Become a Church in COVID Hail Mary

As many places around the world enter into new lockdowns as coronavirus cases surge, businesses are struggling to survive. Retail has moved to no-contact pickup or online sales, restaurants have had to pivot to takeout, and bars have had to get creative to keep people liquored up. One English bar owner is really hoping for a Hail Mary – by trying to turn his watering hole into a holy place.

His name is James Aspell and he owns 400 Rabbits Tequila and Mezcal Cocktail Bar in Nottingham. Recently, he posted photos to Facebook of his application to make his bar an official meeting place for religious worship. The boozy house of worship would be called Church of the Four Hundred Rabbits.

Photo: Facebook

Part of the approval process involves proving that the church has worshippers, so Aspell is allowing supporters to register as “bunny believers” or “reverends of the righteous rabbits.”

“With places of worship allowed to open in all tiers we thought f–k it let’s start a religion!” he wrote in the Facebook post. “Can’t be that hard can it! Congregation daily till late.”

Though the application initially started as a joke, Aspell now sees it as a righteous fight against the hypocrisy of a government that allows churches to remain open while other businesses like his must shutter.

“This time of year it’s usually all guns blazing but instead I’m sat at home putting my Christmas decorations up,” he said.

While his application will likely be denied – and even if it were approved, he wouldn’t be allowed to serve booze anyway – there are believers on board with the idea, as seen on Facebook:

“And the Lord said let there be music and rabbits and so it was and a great creation was born known as jive bunny and the Lord further said jive bunny must be worshipped every night at the church of the four hundred rabbits.”

“I will take a tequila baptism any day!”

“The only reason I’d take up a religion. I’m in!”

“I want to worship at the church of mezcal.”

“The only religion I would get on board with. Hopes and prayers for your salvation and delicious drinks.”

“A spiritual place of healing for sure.”

Maybe the Big Man Upstairs will hear Aspell’s Christmas wish and give him all the desires of his heart. (That’s a Bible reference for you non-believers.) Miracles are God’s specialty after all…

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