carrying groceries

Mandatory Hack: The Genius Shortcut For Carrying Groceries Like a Champ

Don’t you want to hack your way to a better life? We certainly do. That’s why we spend hours online trying to find a hack that streamlines the process of being alive. This week we tackle bagging and carrying groceries. With companies minimizing and groceries being more expensive than ever who wants deal with bagging their own groceries? In fact, who wants to spend another second in the grocery store than necessary? Not us. That’s why we love this genius hack for packing and transporting groceries faster than ever. Check out this genius shortcut that makes bagging and transporting groceries easier than ever.

Image: @lifeprettyhacks (TikTok)

What You’ll Need

  • Groceries
  • Laundry Baskets (about 2 but enough to carry all the groceries you purchase)
  • Your brute strength

Do your regular grocery shopping. When you check out avoid bagging your groceries (or having them bagged) just put them straight into the basket. This probably sounds insane, but trust us, it’ll all make sense eventually. Go out to your automobile and then take the laundry baskets and pack them with your groceries. You want to put heavier items on the bottom and then delicate food like fruits and vegetables on top. Pack those laundry baskets in your car, go home and enjoy carrying groceries in one or two trips. We don’t have any hacks for putting them away. Hopefully, you can con someone else into doing that for you.

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