If eyes are the window to a man’s soul, then sunglasses are the blinds. Lame! That may be true but keep the philosophical talk for your poli-sci grad school happy hour. Eyewear is a necessity. They serve a practical function, keeping the sun out of our eyes, and subsequently limiting the crow’s-feet next to them (yeah squinting brings that on). They also come in handy when you’re hungover as shit, and want to fake looking like a useful member of society on a Saturday morning.
What’s the take-away? Don’t get caught without shades. To ensure this, own a few pairs. If your bank account can warrant some costly specs x quantity, more power to you. But for the rest of us, we like to mix our high dollar sunnies intermittently with super affordable ones. After all, do you really want to wear those $200 Supers to Saturday’s barcrawl where you’ll most likely lose not only your sunglasses but also your wallet and self-respect? We didn’t think so.
Affordable Eyewear
The Stussy Santana
Stussy - Santana in Tortoise, $125.
The Sabre Deadbeat
Sabre - Deadbeat in Tortoise, $110.
The Knockaround Mai Tais
Knockarounds - Mai Tais in Black/Smoke, $20.
The Ray-Ban Clubmaster Classic
Ray-Ban - Clubmaster Green Classic G, $150.
The Nectar Breck
Nectar - Breck in Transparent Brown, $30.
The 9Five Cues
9Five - Cues Gold Shades, $100.
The Crap Eyewear Nudie Mag
Crap Eyewear - The Nudie Mag in Flat Black, $54.
The RetroSuperFuture W
RetroSuperFuture - W in Black, $147.
The Midwest Cats Ass
Midwest Shades - Cats Ass in Bamboo, $35.
The Spy Broderick
Spy Optic - Broderick in Chestnut, $150.
The Electric Knoxville Union
Electric, Knoxville Union in Gloss Black, $120.