Facebook is Collecting the General Election Votes of its Users

Facebook is currently pressurising its UK users to cast their vote in today’s General Election, with a page being set up in which they can confirm they have cast their vote, before collating that information and highlighting both the age and gender of those who have voted.

The stats highlight that female users of the site are voting much more (or at least confirming their vote with Facebook) than male users, with the site’s 25-34-year-old members having made the most votes. There also appears to have been quite a few votes made from the site’s younger members, with 20% of the site’s 18-24-year-old users having confirmed their vote. 

Check out the stats below:

At the time of this writing 62% of the site’s female users have confirmed their vote, compared with just 38% of the site’s male users. Confirming a vote sees it displayed on the user’s Facebook profile, with the site also providing more information to users on how to cast their vote.

The polling booths for voting in this year’s General Election will close at 10pm GMT. The votes will be counted immediately following their closure.

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