#BritishValues Trends as Public Vent Anger at Conservative Government

As has been the standard since the results of the General Election revealed that the Conservatives would remain in power, people have used social media in order to express their disdain in regards to the results.

Now the #BritishValues hashtag has been created on Twitter and has promptly become the the top trending topic in the UK, with people using it as a means to vent their anger and frustration under the rule of the Conservatives.

Considering that the Conservatives won the election by a considerable amount of votes, the reaction to their victory on Facebook and Twitter has been almost unanimously negative.

This would certainly lend credibility to the belief that there are some “shy Tories” among the ranks on the social networking sites – people who voted Conservative but, due to them historically being the most heavily criticised of the two major parties for their attitudes and policies in regards to the working class, decided to keep their mouths shut as the vitriol rolled in regarding David Cameron & co.

Also See: The Types of Facebook Posts You’ve Seen After the General Election

With news that David Cameron has appointed anti-gay marriage supporter Caroline Dinenage as the Minister for Equalities, and Home Secretary Theresa May stating that the government is going to push through an extensive citizen surveillance program, it’s unlikely that the Conservatives’ popularity among social media users will perform a U-turn at any point soon.

Photo: Getty Images

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