Amsterdam is probably one of the most charming cities in all of Europe, even with some of the controversial freedoms allowed. The cultural allure juxtaposed with its offbeat metropolis creates a melting pot of personas, ideals, tourism and things to do. However, you should know a few of the cultural differences before immersing yourself in the city life. Here are nine things to know before touching down in Amsterdam.

1. Koffie is Coffee. Coffee is not Coffee.
In Amsterdam, Coffeeshops are places where you can legally buy marijuana or hash. There are tables where you can enjoy joints, space cakes, as well as coffee, tea and other normal café menu items, but the emphasis is definitely on the weed. If you’re looking for a regular cup of coffee, you need a Koffie Huis, or coffee house spelled with a K.
2. Being Completely Stoned in Public Makes You Look Like an Idiotic Tourist.
Because weed is legal in Holland, it doesn’t have the same novelty as it does in the States. In fact, most Dutch locals don’t even smoke weed, or smoke rarely. You’ll also rarely find them smoking in public, so if you’re lighting up a joint in a park and smell weed wafting in the air from some other picnicking group, don’t feel like a local – you’re smelling another group of tourists doing the same stereotypical thing as you are. Whatever you do, don’t get too stoned to order food, ask for directions or speak to a local. They will literally right you off as dumb and ignore you, even at a restaurant.
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3. Don’t Take Pictures of Girls In The Red Light District.
Not only will you get kicked out of the district, making you “that person” in your group, but it’s also a crime and you can get in trouble with the Dutch police. The prostitutes in the Red Light District pay taxes like any other professional and are protected by the government. Rules are strictly enforced.
And on that note…
4. Don’t Pay For a Girl in the Red Light District.
You may have taken a vow of secrecy, but your friends are going to talk about it when you get home, making you the guy who slept with the hooker for the rest of your life.
5. If You Don’t Smoke Weed on the Reg, Don’t Eat One of The Famous Space Cakes.
Why anyone would you even think this is a good idea is beyond me, but it happens way too often. Space cakes are intense for even the most hardcore stoners, so if you’re new to smoking weed or just don’t smoke regularly, eating one of these will probably ruin your day, and your night, and probably the day after too.
6. You Probably Aren’t Going to Get a Good Picture With the Amsterdam Sign Unless You Wake Up at 6am.
To say the Amsterdam sign is crowded during the day is an understatement. It’s basically a jungle gym for tourists and almost impossible to take a good picture without at least 15 other people in it. If you’re determined to get a good shot, wake up early and beat the crowds. If it’s after 9am it’s not going to happen.

7. Their Beer Has More Alcohol Than Our Beer.
In America, the alcohol in beer ranges from 4.1% to 5.9% ABV. In Holland, they range from 5 to 9%. In other words, a couple of beers might get you buzzed at home, but it can have you dancing with a lampshade on your head in Amsterdam.
8. Bikes Have the Right of Way.
Or at least they think they do, seeing as how bikers are known for whipping in and out of traffic and people and speeding around cobblestone corners like they own the road. Don’t assume you have the right of way if you’re crossing the road on foot, and don’t be intimidated if you happen to be driving a car. On that note….
9. Don’t Rent a Car.
With all of the bikes and foot traffic, getting around in a car is extremely inefficient. Your best bet is renting a bike if you plan to cover a lot of ground or just enjoying the footpaths along the historic cobblestone pavement.