A Kickstarter project promising to deliver a “Star Wars Open World RPG” has been canceled by its creator, after its premise was roundly mocked online.
The project, created by confused prospective indie video game developer Devin Tripp, made its way to the crowdfunding site alongside arguably the best/worst pitch for a campaign ever. Overlooking the inherent problems that would be presented by attempting to make a game utilizing the Star Wars license without Disney’s official backing, the whole concept behind the project sounded like it had first been scrawled on a piece of paper by a particularly unimaginative 8-year-old. However, after somehow managing to rack up $18,325 of his lofty $200,000 goal, and with Kickstarter somehow not interfering in the project as it continued to gain traction, Devin has now brought an end to it out of “respect” for Disney.
After canceling the project, Devin posted an update for his backers that informed them of the reasoning behind his decision, apologizing to Disney whilst also noting that while his “spelling and grammar sucks,” that doesn’t matter because “all you need is the force and you will do ok in life.”
Stay strong, Devin.
Here’s the full update as posted on the now-abandoned Kickstarter page:
Hello Everyone…
I’d like to start off by saying I’m sorry to Disney for using their logo and name. Having said that, I find it very disturbing that you want to report me to them. As if they didn’t already know. You truly want to see some be in debt for the wrest of their life because they had a dream for a video game that they never created. Very selfish, and very ironic. Disney was created because Walt Disney had a dream, was it not? I find it ironic because on a lot of the news and the forums there was a quote from something I said. It read ” I have talked to Disney, and they have informed me to contact Lucas arts”. I believe most of you said quote ” that’s like a father telling the kid to go ask their mother because they do not want to deal with them.” Yet I recieved emails from random people basically telling their dad to send me to timeout because they don’t like me.
Secondly, I am taking this kick starter down myself. Disney has not contacted me to tell me to shut it down for those of you who think you own Disney. I am taking this kick starter down, because I very much respect Disney, and I do not want this to get to big. I love all their pirates of the Caribbean movies. I always wanted to be captain jack, but I think Mr. Depp is to good to be replaced. I have faith that somewhere in the future, a game like the one I described, will be made by Disney/EA/LucasFilms/Bioware or whoever is going to do it.
Thirdly I know my spelling and grammar sucks, but all you need is the force and you will do ok in life. I wrote the entire thing on my phone while in Childress Texas with a JUAN bar. So I did not care for spelling mistakes, because of that and I really didn’t think I’d actually be doing this. As many of you pointed out I am highly unqualified. The point of this whole Kickstarter is to not let your dreams be dreams. Don’t say tomorrow just do it.
-Devin Tripp

Knights of the Old Republic was a good Star Wars RPG. Star Wars Open World RPG would’ve been a bad Star Wars RPG.
While this certainly seems like the work of a troll, it’s important that we never forget the original pitch for the Star Wars Open World RPG as it was simultaneously the greatest and most awful thing that has ever been posted to Kickstarter. As such, we felt it best to include the entire initial pitch in this post, too.
Have a read below:
“Ever wonder what if would be like if you were a Jedi with no boundaries, and could explore the galaxy freely?”
“Like many of us when we were kids we wanted to be like Luke skywalker or obi one kinobi, but like all of us, we do not live in a galaxy far far away. There might be another way though. With all the open world RPGs out there how is there not a good one for Star Wars? I have decided to take matters into my own hands and write a story in the star wars universe that will fit inside a RPG video game. I am currently looking into talking with Disney if I am able to do this. If not then there might have to be a compromise on the name or some other parts. I need your help. I am not a very good programmer, and I’m an even worst artist. I want to put this project into the hands of professionals, but in order to do that I need money to hire them. This was my dream as a kid I hope you can share my same compassion, thank you.
There are many people out there that have the wrong image when they think about this game so I will go into deep detail as much as i can to get people more excited about this. As I know there are other “very good” games over Star Wars, but within the bounds of good taste, I believe that these RPG’s over Star Wars have not reached their full potential. I do not feel immersed in these games. I am not talking about a 1995/2005 game that could be created in a month or two. I am talking about a Star Wars RPG that will completely blow people away; like “Fallout 4”, or “The Witcher 3” did. These RPG’s set the benchmark of how the future of RPG’s should look, and they are a good blueprint to go on. I want to make something that is like this in some respects, but goes even further. It will have the graphics of “Battlefront” or better with the feel of “The Witcher 3”.
The game and story will also have a lot of choice. You will be able to choose which side you would like to be on. You can be evil and reside on the Darkside and rule the galaxy as you wish, or you could also bring peace about the galaxy. Both in their own respects have their perks. Speaking of perks: Like “Fallout 4” there might or might not be perks in the game. At least not the same as they are in “Fallout”. I do not want to give away much about the story, but I will give away that you do not start out as a Jedi, but later become one. As you progress your skills get better as your ability to use the force. It is very exciting that I have already gotten backers. I will be providing updates every couple of days, and answering any questions that you might have. I am still answering others so please be patient.
Devin also stated that one of the “risks and challenges” that would be presented by the project would be “hiring professionals,” which at least showcased a refreshing level of honesty from a developer in the gaming industry, if nothing else.