Facebook Rewards Notorious Content Thief SoFlo with Likes From a Protest Page

Ethan of h3h3Productions.

Facebook has reportedly “rewarded” the popular SoFlo page that has become notorious for stealing content from other pages and YouTubers, by shutting down a page protesting it and transferring all of its “likes” to the original SoFlo page.

The move was spotted by Ethan of h3h3Productions, who set up the Facebook page SoFloBro as a way of humorously protesting the massive amount of original content stolen by SoFlo, that is uploaded to their Facebook page without the original creators’ permission. Ethan used the SoFloBro account to reupload videos originally posted on the SoFloAntonio YouTube account, which largely consists of creator Antonio Lievano conducting phenomenally unfunny pranks and “social experiments.” The SoFloBro account was liked by over 88,000 people.

However, after logging into his personal Facebook account recently, Ethan noticed that he was listed as one of the SoFlo page’s followers. Having not liked the page, he checked the h3h3Production’s subreddit, discovering that many were also complaining that their Facebook accounts had liked the SoFlo page without their permission, too.

After doing some digging, Ethan discovered that Facebook had shut down the SoFloBro account, and had transferred all of the likes to the original SoFlo account. This is despite Facebook having continuously failed to reprimand the SoFlo account for stealing the content it uploads to the page.

Check out h3h3Productions’ video about the incident below:

Facebook’s reaction to the SoFloBro account is emblematic of the company’s stance when it comes to popular pages stealing content, With the SoFlo page having over 6 million likes, it is obviously in Facebook’s best interests to keep it running, and it is doing so by allowing it to consistently steal content. Not only that, but when the SoFlo account does add a credit to one of its posts, it links to a random page unrelated to the original content, which Ethan assumes Antonio Lievano created himself.

In other words, Lievano and the rest of those involved with the SoFlo page are dicks who not only rely on other peoples’ original ideas to build up their already massive following, but who do so without even crediting those who are actually contributing to their swelling amount of likes. 

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