This SXSW Panels Poem is Meta Brilliance

Fusion writer Jason Gilbert took SXSW 2016 to a new level of meta, with a poem comprised exclusively of panels taking place at the annual convention in Austin. Check it out below.

Does Social Media Make Concerts Better?

Is Twitter the New Customer Call Center?

So You Want to Partner with a Social Media Star?

Making VR Golf: Dude, Where’s My Par?

Marketers! Guess What? Singles LIKE Being Single!

Exploring ASMR: Happy Little Tingles!

Is the Venture World a Meritocracy?

Comments Are Terrible, But They Don’t Have to Be!

Modern Brand Love: How to Co-Create and Have a POV,

No CTO, No Problem: Building A Non-Technical MVP,

Let’s Interface: Connecting Social Research to UXD,

Is Your Fridge Judging You? Tales from the IoT

Cool Prototype! Can You Scale It for the Masses?

Augmented Reality Without the Rose-Colored Glasses.

Lifehacks for Dads Who Do Fifty Percent:

Big Data Will Choose the Next President.

Furniture is the New Fashion,

Virtual Football is the New Reality,

Comedy Is the New Journalism,

Mobile Deep Linking: Let’s Talk About Apps, Baby!

The End of Online Free Expression?

Shut Up and Make: Turning Passion into Profession.

Sparking Enviable Fandom: From Apps to Obsession;

How Data Science Can Help Avoid the Next Recession.

How Abundance Thinking Can Transform Your Career:

Why Your Content Needs to Disappear.

That Snapchatter Makes More Than You;

Stewart Butterfield in Conversation with Farhad Manjoo.

How Do We Get Billions of People to Eat Less Meat?

Making Metrics Sexy: Find ROI in the (Excel) Sheets

3D Printed Food: Spam or Paté?

Science Fair to Science Fact: Gen Z Scores an A.

Present Tense: The First Now-Centric Civilization,

Fighting Injustice with Trickle-Up Innovation,

Disrupting Entrepreneurial Leadership Education,

Rides, Drives and Hyperloops: The New Transportation.

Microshelters: Building Funky-Ass Dwellings

Scent as a Postdigital Medium for Storytelling.

Lessons Learned from Educational Makerspaces:

If You Are in Advertising, You May Be a Racist.

Using Data Science to Catch Legislators in the Act

What’s More Important: Fashion or Impact?

Will Urban Kale Farmers Invade Your Neighborhood?

Brandvertainment: How Norton Hacked Hollywood.

Designing for Sh*t That Doesn’t Exist Yet:

Zombie SOPA: A New Threat to the Open Internet.

A Robot Companion: Human’s Best Friend?

Toss Your Phone Off a Bridge and Begin to Live Again.

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