Donald Trump Insult Generator is the Perfect Way to Mock Your Crooked Friends

Image Credit: Tom Pennington / Getty Images

The Donald Trump insult generator allows you to mock your friends in the spirit of divisive presidential candidate The Donald, with the generator collecting his innumerable Twitter insults and allowing you to replicate them with you or your friends names/Twitter handles.

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be on the receiving end of one of Trump’s petty jibes, then the Trump Generator now gives you the opportunity to do so. Simply enter a name or Twitter handle into the generator, then watch as it produces a replication of a Trump tweet, complete with his usual derogatory adjectives and attacks upon his detractors’ careers/personalities/loved ones. The end result looks something like this:

Donald Trump’s insults have landed the GOP candidate in hot water in the past, with him having launched a personal attack on rival Ted Cruz’s wife by insulting her physical appearance, along with having retweeted comments made about FOX News’ Megyn Kelly which branded the journalist a “bimbo.” Speaking of Kelly, Trump recently staged an interview with the political commentator in which he was forced to address comments he had made about her, in which he suggested that her criticisms of him during a televised debate was due to her menstruating, saying: “There was blood coming out of her eyes, there was blood coming out of her… wherever.” 

While the Donald Trump insult generator doesn’t contain insults that are anywhere near as sexist or bigoted as what typically falls from out of the mouth of the man himself, it does present a pretty realistic recreation of his infamous Twitter account. Check it out right here.

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