The ocean is a fragile place. This fragile place is plagued by human waste.
Parley for the Oceans exists for a motto, a quote, a vision, a challenge spoken by Captain Paul Watson, “If the Ocean dies, we die.” With this staunch, undeniable reality, Parley for the Oceans has taken initiative to clean it up. Understanding the kind of power that lies in the consumer, Parley is teaming up with artists, musicians, actors, filmmakers, fashion designs, journalists, architects, investors and scientists to not only physically clean up the ocean, but to actually prevent the problem from worsening, and fixing this disaster we have created.
The statistics stated on Parley’s website are haunting. They ask: there’s plenty of fish in the sea, right? Wrong. “2048 seems to be the overall accepted deadline for the collapse of all commercial fisheries, already by 2025 all the coral reef ecosystems in the world will be gone. Leading environmentalists see the end of most sea life happening within the next 6–16 years.” Action has to be taken and it starts with awareness.

Where does the fragile ocean, an initiative to clean it up, a goal to spread the word, and sneakers come together? Adidas is one of the partners supporting Parley for the Ocean to give good reason to talk (even more) about this issue. Tomorrow, 50 pairs of an already iconic shoe are going to become available, not to buy, but to win though participation.
People are asked to pledge to not use single-use plastic items. Name a few? We could name a million. Straws (as recently taken on by none other than Adrian Grier), K-Cups, those to-go containers you pick up for the salad bar at the grocery store, plastic silverware (the most useless item any of us ever use – realistically, count the number of times you have one of those in your mouth, as you’re sitting 5 feet away from the office drawer of reusable silverware.) Next, turn it into an Instagram campaign. Prove you can change!
The contest ends on July 31, 2016, and 50 winners will be sent never-before-made, beyond-a-collector’s-item Adidas x Parley running shoes, made with Parley Ocean Plastic, retrieved by partner organization, Sea Shepherd. There’s a lot more to the story, you can read about it here.