Study Suggests Eating Dinner Earlier Could Reduce The Risk Of Cancer Those late-night runs for the border are even worse than you thought.
Meet Australia’s ‘Double Decker Death Wish,’ The World’s Hottest Burger Is EVERYTHING in Australia designed to kill you?
Thieves Attempting To Siphon Oil Pump Out Raw Sewage Instead Forget what you eat, you are what you siphon.
Japanese Town Will Pay You $85,000 A Year To Become A Ninja How to make your Linkedin profile REALLY stand out from the pack
C’mon Guys: Pilot Nearly Crashes Plane While Vaping The captain has turned on the No Thinking sign...
Lebanese Town Tries To Drum Up Tourism With Female ‘Hot Cops’ Tourism? Questionable. But we predict a rise in fender benders.
Phil Rosenthal Isn’t The TV Host You’re Used To And That’s A Good Thing The creator of "Everybody Loves Raymond" has a Netflix food and travel series that's far from same old, same old.
Billionaires Are Allegedly Meeting With Tech Experts To Find Out How To Survive The Apocalypse Mars is lovely this time of year.