City Official Resigns After Drinking Beer and Throwing Cat During Zoom Meeting, But What Else Are We Supposed to Do? One man's true colors came out during a Zoom meeting.
LeBron James Reveals ‘Space Jam’ Sequel Title and Logo, Expected to Be Second Best ‘Space Jam’ Movie in History This film will at least be the second-best 'Space Jam.'
Eminem Confronts Intruder in His Detroit Home, Apparently Much Less Intimidating in His Jammies Some fans will do anything to meet their idols.
New Dad Anderson Cooper Introduces the Internet to His Son Wyatt, Already Terrible at Social Distancing Anderson Cooper is a new dad at age 52.
Pentagon Drops UFO Videos, Seems Like a Good Time to Sit Us Down and Break the News Is this finally proof that UFOs exist?
Las Vegas Mayor Offers Her City as Tribute to COVID-19 The mayor of Las Vegas dropped some quotables that would make even President Trump jealous.
Mom Shocked to Discover Advertisement Claiming Her Family Was Dead from COVID-19, Spoiler Alert: They Weren’t If you need more evidence that Facebook is evil, here you go.
Meanwhile in Florida: Judge Orders Attorneys to Wear Clothes During Zoom Court Hearings, Despite Objections It’s happened to the best of us. In this current age of social distancing, many are burdened with the task…
Topless, Pissed Off Woman Smashes Plates at Denny’s Until Police Arrive Topless plate-smashing is not on the menu at Denny's.
Mom Discovers List of Sex Positions in 5-Year-Old’s ‘Frozen 2’ Diary, Child Pleads Innocence Because She Can’t Read or Write Anal beads, butt plugs, and Ben Wah Balls adorned a 5-year-old's 'Frozen 2' diary.