Photo: Netflix
Many of us remember a viral video that featured two girls, one cup, and a disturbing, gross bodily function from a few years ago. People filmed friends reacting to this gross, trending video. Over the years, this has happened other times. Grossing out your friends and filming it is always funny. That’s why we weren’t surprised to hear that the newest TikTok trend was people recording themselves and their friends watching an extremely graphic, gross scene from a popular Netflix show.
For those unaware, ‘Brand New Cherry Flavor,’ while sounding like a fun, cheery show, is actually a nightmare hellscape of a show. The horror show’s plot revolves around a woman named Lisa Nova, an aspiring film director who decides to get revenge on a producer who stabs her in the back (not literally). She hires a witch to put a curse on him and things…get out of hand. We’re talking zombies, barfing up cats, and all-around gross, creepy, disturbing happenings.
One scene, in particular, has really grossed people out. It takes place in episode four at the 35-minute mark. We’re not going to ruin it for you, but let’s just say it involves a body cavity where one shouldn’t actually be and unnatural sex using a hand. It’s just plain weird and needs to be seen to be believe. Hence the popularity with TikTokers.
Weird News 3.15.22
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