Florida Governor Ron DeSantis is positioning himself as the guy to fight totally pointless cultural wars to “own the libs,” usually at the expense of his own constituency. Even though Republicans pride themselves on simping for corporations and pretty much letting them do whatever they want at the expense of working people, Governor DeSantis will not stand for Disney’s woke bullshit. And by woke bullshit, we mean not discriminating against LGBTQ+ people.
How much does Ron Desantis hate gay people living their lives? Well, his move to strip Disney of its special districting privileges will leave local counties with more than $1 billion in liabilities and increase taxes on local residents. But we’re sure he’ll just blame Brandon or, better still, former President Obama.
But DeSantis’ hatred for equality and LGBT children being accepted into society is apparently so severe that he’s now removing some computers from schools after discovering they use non-binary coding.
“Binary code is the only code computers should ever use, especially when our children use them in the classroom,” said DeSantis. “I will not sit by and allow for these morally outrageous computers that run on non-binary code.”
Now, you may be wondering if it’s even possible for a computer to run on non-binary code since pretty much all of them use the standard binary code as computing language. It turns out that a ternary computer is a computer that uses ternary logic (three possible values) instead of the more common binary logic (two possible values) in its calculations.
Even though they’re rarely used, a ternary code that runs non-binary code is actually considered far more superior and efficient. Hence, that might explain why Governor Desantis opposes using them. If kids start using them, they may actually start learning better– and that’s just not something that can ever happen in the state of Florida.
Cover Photo: SOPA Images (Getty Images)
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