Photo: Jamie Garbutt (Getty Images)
Everyone loves games. (And if you don’t, we don’t want to hang with you.) Games are even more fun when you incorporate your favorite cocktail, beer, or wine. From Monopoly to euchre to kickball and everything in between, any game can be turned into a “drinking game” with the right adult beverage.
Check out our better-with-booze game picks!
Batter up: The Best Baseball-Themed Beers To Drink All the Way To The Pennant
Spring fling: The Best Beers To Pair With Your Backyard BBQ
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Drinking Games
If you’re playing with seasoned veterans, this well-known card game can be rather cutthroat. To ease the tension, take a shot between hands or just sip on your alcohol of choice throughout the game (or both).
Photo: Konstantinos Ioannidis (Getty Images)
If you know a lot of words (and how to spell them), then Scrabble is your jam. If you don’t, you probably want to stick to boggle or just turn on Netflix. Since Scrabble games can seem like they last longer than presidential terms, break up this word-fueled epic by making the other players drink every time you hit a double or triple word score.
Photo: Jonathan Brady/PA Images (Getty Images)
This one is a no-brainer and something adult leagues already do. But, if you find yourself in the midst of a hard-fought game of kickball, the only thing that could make it better would be a can of frosty brew. A good rule should be that you can never put down the can, no matter if you’re kicking or playing center field.
Photo: Sean Warren (Getty Images)
Let’s face it, depending on who you’re playing with, this game can take forever. If you’re the banker (and stealing a few dollars for yourself), a long Monopoly game can be downright miserable. Luckily, to make it more lively, just add booze. Drink every time you “Pass Go” or any other time you want.
Photo: Lynne Cameron/PA Images (Getty Images)
Unless your IQ is off the charts, you’re probably not a great chess player. Luckily, the person you’re playing probably isn’t all that great, either. But, at least you can both enjoy your favorite cocktail while you zoom your pawns around the board.
Photo: boonchai wedmakawand (Getty Images)