Fox Eyeing Potential Mystique Spinoff Film? Giant star + pre-established character + desire to make mountains of money = Mystique movie...right?
VIDEO: Wow! A’s Prospect Scores on Sac Fly — From Second Base Billy Burns has jets to spare -- and stuns an entire stadium with a dazzling display of speed.
The Crew is Gonna Be Tough for Those With Bad Internet If you face constant frustration with a horrible home connection to the internet, you may wanna steer clear of The…
Marvel Cinematic Universe Now Most Successful U.S. Film Franchise — Ever Another monster weekend at the box office lands Marvel Studios in a pretty amazing position.
Marvel Heroes Teased for Disney Infinity A new trailer shows the Star-Spangled Avenger could soon open the Disney Infinity universe to a whole messa Marvel.
Report: Drew Goddard in Talks to Helm The Sinister Six Spidey's baddest enemies could get their own feature directed by an already entrenched Marvel man.
VIDEO: Guardians of the Galaxy – Watch the Extended Clip Get our first longer look at Chris Pratt in action as the hapless Guardians leader.
Eagles Lineman Shows Off His Signing Bonus Check — For $0 Sweet! I just got my signing bonus check and it's...ahh, crap...
Boy, 5, Cracks Microsoft’s Xbox Live Security The youngster exploits a massive glitch in Microsoft security -- then shows the tech giant how he did it.
Donner: The Goonies 2 is Finally Coming One of the most beloved kid classics of the 80s may actually be about to get that sequel that everyone…