Holy Guacamole! Taco Saves Arizona Man’s Life in Shooting, Of Course Ate It Anyway As if you needed another reason to love tacos.
Man Locked in Store After Falling Asleep and Being Left Alone, Everything He Dreamed It Could Be Dreams do come true.
Man Snorts Cannabis Balloon Before Going to Prison, Screws Up Because Wrong Hole, Asshole Don't snort your stash; shove it up your ass like a normal person.
Murderer Claims His Life Sentence Is Served After Briefly Dying in Hospital, Wakes Up to Same Cruel World This murderer would make an excellent lawyer.
Amazon Pulls ‘Daddy’s Little Slut’ T-Shirt Amid Backlash, Safely Going With ‘Papa’s Silly Little Ho’ At least they didn't offend her driving.
Yeti’s New $800 Cooler Is Perfect For Getting Away With Killing Aunt Karen This Holiday Season Everyone say goodbye to Aunt Karen this year.
The Smell of Pine Trees Proven to Have Multiple Health Benefits, As If We Needed More Reasons to Start Christmas Early Huff your Christmas tree for better health.
Immaculate! Catholic Church Investigates Two Nuns Who Went to Africa, Came Back Ungodly Pregnant A pair of nuns did more than good deeds on their mission trip.
Guess How Much Kanye West Overcharges For Sunday Brunch (Essentially Prison Food Served in a Church) What would Jesus do with such shitty brunch food?
Unicorn Puppy Has Tail Growing Out of Its Forehead, Conveniently Its Mouth Smells Like Butthole Two tails are better than one.